Tempe, AZ – Estone Tech had an opportunity to discuss the latest advancements and concepts in embedded computing and the fast growing “Internet of Things”(IoT) with industry experts and leaders at the Intel® Internet of Things World Wide Connections Event in Tempe, AZ. Held from March 31st through April 2nd, 2015, this selective IoT event brought together roughly 70 worldwide leaders in vertical markets involved in IoT development for 3 days of discussion, development, and networking. Held at the Tempe Mission Palms resort, the event helped forge relationships and contacts that will guide the industry for years to come.
As a premier member of Intel LoT Solution alliance, Estone Tech provides embedded computing solutions for vertical markets. Estone products can be found in healthcare, medical imaging, field maintenance, sports and liesure, and retail and hospitality environments. Being included in the premier IoT Solutions event is an honor signaling Estone Tech’s ability to deliver quality embedded computing solutions for any market.
Topics covered at the event were wide ranging; from embedded hardware design to the security of software developed for the Internet of Things. Big Industry players like SAP & Microsoft were on hand, networking side by side with smaller companies and new entries to the industry. All the while, the Tempe resort played the perfect backdrop for conversations that moved the industry forward.
As a leader in OEM/ODM custom embedded computing solutions, Estone Tech met with as many of the attendees as possible, forging partnerships for design, development, and manufacturing with many attendees. Estone Tech looks forward to building these relationships and bringing new value to the industry.
The invite-only event as attended by more than 140 industry professionals ranging from Corporate CEOs and Presidents to Engineering and Development directors. The unique mix of leaders allowed individuals to discuss technical hurdles and solutions, develop strategic business partnerships, and simply develop relationships that are at the heart of any successful industry.
Estone Tech designs and manufactures embedded computer products for the IT industry, Field Service Industries, Retail Functions and anywhere else computers need to be effective, powerful, and tough enough to stand up to the job. You can learn more about Estone Tech and their available specialized solutions at https://estone-tech.com