As the weather begins to turn, many businesses that slow or idle during the winter months come back to full-swing. Not only limited to landscaping and similar businesses, but also construction and equipment maintenance companies, and even some types of manufacturing companies operate more frequently in nicer weather. One industry that may be less considered but is turning to automation as rapidly as any other industry is tourism.
Whether you’re operating a complete hotel and resort, or a sideshow at a common tourism destination, modern rugged tablets can improve the performance of every area of your business operations in a number of ways.
Rugged Tablets for Hotel Check-In
Self service is becoming the standard for hotels and hospitality businesses these days. Advances in software have made it possible to draw every part of a guest’s registration and stay into one portal, managing guest services, room keeping, even pulling marketing into things to stir up future business. Rugged tablets be used for hotel check-in and management by employees, or even set up as a kiosk for self-service check-in.
Visitors will love the opportunity to review all aspects of their stay on their own, and they can be served targeted advertisements all the while. Some rugged tablets even come equipped with credit card readers and RFID tools, creating an all-in-one center for visitors to encode room keys, request amenities, and set up payments.
Rugged Tablets for Cruises and Tours
You can’t get near a cruise ship or tour bus today without seeing a rugged tablet in the hands of an experienced employee, rapidly checking identities to ensure that everyone is there, and that everyone there is supposed to be there. Through a combination of cameras, magnetic stripe card readers, RFID readers, and Fingerprint Readers in these rugged tablets, an accurate database of passengers can be created and checked at any moment.
Rugged Tablets for Golf and Recreation
Golf might not be the first thing that springs to mind when you consider rugged technology, but maybe it should be. Today, golf courses and recreation centers equip carts and clubhouses with rugged tablets that increase access to and enjoyment of the facility, as well as improving access to extras like food and drink – helping to improve the bottom line.
These are just a few of the ways that seasonal companies are using rugged technology to do more and better business. Contact Estone Technology today to learn more about how we can benefit your business.